The Lion's Gate Portal 2023

Today is the center of the lion’s gate portal (8.8)! It is also the quarter moon, and a time when Venus Retrograde both conjoins Black Moon Lilith and squares Uranus.

These transits bring blessings with each challenge. The lion’s gate portal represents a moment when profound strength is available to each one of us.

This is a time when the profound inner light (which is your life force and your true identity), is shining to show you the path forward through whatever your current circumstances.

In these systems, the lion represents the strength of the heart, which sees by its own light. This strength has little to do with physical vigor, and much more to do with your capacity to see beyond fleeting thoughts and emotions in order to transcend into the realm of peaceful consciousness. It’s in this strong, peaceful space that life’s challenges are seen for what they are so that they can be rightly addressed or transmuted.

Venus, Black Moon Lilith, the Quarter Moon, and Uranus are all highlighting this strength for us right now. Old memories, thoughts, and feelings arise to be released. The true light and strength of who you are works on your life circumstances even while you sleep. Now is a great time to open to your cosmic light and refuse to settle for malaise, frustration, or apathy in this life.

Your personal reading will reveal exactly where and how this astrology is at play in your life.

Summer Solstice 2023 and A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT

Are you finding yourself faced with the paradox of how to simultaneously enjoy your life while creating meaningful growth in your career, home, or relationships?

For example, do you have the paradoxical desire to both celebrate life in the present while still growing, restructuring, and facing difficult truths within yourself?

In this week’s AstroYoga forecast, I break down the energies surrounding the Solstice and Saturn Retrograde. Use this knowledge to enjoy life while simultaneously reframing old patterns and doing the inner work for outer growth. Create energetic alignment with the future self you’re ready to embody while enjoying life as you are today.

Your personal reading will reveal specific details and provide you everything you need to know for enjoyment and restructuring in your career, home, and relationships.

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