Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse May 2021: Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast

We are in the midst of eclipse season, and tomorrow is the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This eclipse, along with Mercury turning retrograde on Saturday, is opening a powerful energetic portal.

Eclipses are big moments in which major shifts can happen rapidly. These shifts often alter and align your trajectory for the next six months (or even longer in some cases). 

Tomorrow's eclipse is affecting the Sagittarius, Gemini, and Pisces placements in your chart primarily, as the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter form a temporary formation which creates a major shift in terms of how you know what you know.

Ask yourself where you tend to get the variety of thoughts you know as truth. The chances are good that intuition, personal experience, culture, and trusting the word of others (teachers, family, books, media, etc) all play a role.

Tomorrow's eclipse along with Mercury Retrograde offers you the chance to take an even deeper look at thought and truth itself: 

Where is it that your thoughts truly originate from? When you're in a flow, artistic, dream, or meditative state, where do your thoughts go?

Prepare to let go of any limited notions, begrudging intellectual commitments, or unenthusiastic duties you've been holding onto. Now is the time to make space for what truly resonates in your body, mind, and soul. 

If you do let go of patterning that no longer resonates, you may find yourself experiencing aspects of your life in ways that feel more deeply aligned with your soul's inner truth. 

This week's AstroYoga pose offers grounding and support for this eclipse.



Practice Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)!

To practice this pose:

1. Stand at the back of your mat
2. Lunge the right foot forward so that the bent knee is just above the ankle
3. Lower the left heel, so that the toes are at a 45 degree angle
4. Lift the arms
5. Stay OR lift the heart to find a slight backbend
6. Repeat on the other side


Without motion, feel as if you're dragging your feet toward one another. This midline squeeze allows you to safely stretch and lower the hips while simultaneously allowing deep support for any backbend you'd like to add.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

NOTE: Life's major challenges (career, relationships, finances, personal growth, etc) tend to have repeatable patterns in your life.

Your birth chart shows you these patterns as well as the simple steps you can take to overcome these patterns in a way that truly aligns with YOU.

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