Mercury Retrograde and Using this Time

Here's your weekly AstroYoga Forecast:

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde (Rx)!

Mercury Rx has received a bad reputation in recent years due to its connection with technological, travel, and communication mishaps, but its many gifts are often ignored.

You see, in a world where we rely on technology and smooth travel and communication, it can be upsetting when things go haywire.

However, there is a BIG gift in Mercury Rx, and I promise you that the gift is worth the minor inconveniences Mercury Rx brings up.

When a planet retrogrades, its energy is temporarily inverted, allowing for reflection on the nature of that energy itself. When Mercury retrogrades, you have a heightened potential to see the inner workings of how you think, communicate, and move through the world.

Let yourself into your inner world, and temporarily draw your attention away from forward momentum and into intentional reflection. 

This retrograde takes place amid the sometimes unsettling shifts of the eclipses, and in my mind, it's a welcome balm in a time when many of us are seeking to integrate abrupt shifts in our lives, relationships, and internal states. 

Allow yourself some space this week for honest self-reflection, self-care, and internal listening to the most subtle whispers of your soul.

This week's AstroYoga pose offers strength, balance, and inner fortitude to help with this retrograde.


Practice Side Crow (Parsva Bakasana)!

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To practice this pose:

1. Start from toe stand
2. Twist to your right and place your hands on the floor to your right
3. Bend your elbows, pressing your knee and hip against your elbows
4. Shift right until you are light on your toes
5. Stay OR lift the feet
6. Repeat on the other side


Move slowly and broaden your chest as you move through this posture. Let yourself move into your comfort zone and slowly expand from there.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Life's major challenges (career, relationships, finances, personal growth, etc) tend to have repeatable patterns in your life.

Your birth chart shows you these patterns as well as the simple steps you can take to overcome these patterns in a way that truly aligns with YOU.

Get started with Quintessence and Luminary Memberships which give you exclusive access Ask Me Anything Sessions, on-demand yoga classes, your monthly astrology guides, and MORE. These tools can help you unlock the secrets in your chart that help you solve life's biggest enigmas. Learn more here.