June 10 Solar Eclipse: Two Simple Steps

This Thursday is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Eclipses are moments of great power that serve as portals for the unexpected to arrive in life.

This eclipse is conjunct retrograding Mercury, the planet that rules thought and communication. When Mercury retrogrades, you're asked to open a reflective eye to your own thought and communication patterns. 

Even though the results of eclipses are by definition surprising, this eclipse/Mercury conjunct has a distinct energy that you can engage with, and here's my two-part suggestion:

1. Reflect upon what beliefs and thoughts you currently hold.

Pay particular attention to those thoughts and beliefs that seem to have been adopted or absorbed from others around you. Notice the difference between your deeply-held values that originate in your Self and the shallow opinions that might arise out of any number of external sources.

2. Acknowledge your adaptability when it comes to opinions, facts, and gathering new information. 

Give yourself a large amount of grace and space to explore new positions, change your mind, or open to beliefs that enhance your life rather than perpetuate old belief systems. This gives you the freedom to adapt, learn, and grow, and the ability to allow others the same on their journeys.

This week's AstroYoga pose offers grounding and power to help you steer your way through this eclipse.


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Practice Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Start on your hands and knees
2. Lift your knees and extend your body
3. Firm your quads to protect the knees
4. Draw your low front ribs and your upper front pelvis close together


Press into your hands firmly, especially the base of the pointer finger and the base of the thumb. Feel as if you hands and forearms are magnetized toward one another. Engage your quadriceps muscles to grow light in your stance.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Coming Up Tomorrow: An Ask Me Anything session where I'll help you figure out exactly how the eclipses are affecting your life using your personal chart (Plus what to do about it).

It's all happening in the Quintessence and Luminary Memberships which give you exclusive access Ask Me Anything Sessions, on-demand yoga classes, your monthly astrology guides, and MORE. These tools can help you unlock the secrets in your chart that help you solve life's biggest enigmas. Learn more here.