What an Emily Ridout Astrology Reading is Like

What an Emily Ridout Astrology Reading is Like

Last week, I attended the Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair in Eugene, Oregon. I was struck by the great variety of healers, psychics, palmists, and astrologers. In particular, I was interested in how people within the same discipline each offered a distinct approach to their craft. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.

This experience led me to reflect on my own approach to astrology. Certainly, my approach is distinct to me, and I want my clients to know that before they arrive! There are a lot of astrologers out there, and a lot of astrological philosophies. If you’re searching for the right astrologer, it can be tricky and frustrating finding your ideal astrologer. 

So, if you’re on the lookout for an astrologer, or if you’ve signed up for a reading and are simply curious, I’m writing this post for you.

Some people believe that astrology is fatalistic, that it will predict your future and tell you what to expect, that it won’t empower you to take action in your life. This is not what I believe.

I believe astrology is a fantastic tool to help you understand yourself better—your multifaceted personality, your desires, your hopes and fears, your challenges and boundaries. I also believe that tools are meant to be used. In other words, once you gain insight into an area of your life or your personal make-up, it’s time to make a plan to harness that energy and use if for your benefit!

Review of the Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair in Eugene, Oregon

Review of the Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair in Eugene, Oregon

I started today like I do most Sundays, teaching my regular yoga class at Mudra Yoga by Eugene's 5th Street Market, and then working with an astrology client.

But, today was a special day, because it was the inaugural Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair. I confess...

The BIG Why: Why astrology, yoga, and folklore matter to me

The BIG Why: Why astrology, yoga, and folklore matter to me

Do I believe that the stars literally affect everything on earth or that fairy tales are real? No.

I believe in the power and resiliency of the human spirit in the face of obstacles. I believe that people like you and I can harness our innate capacities for good, and use that good to create powerful and lasting change on this planet.

I believe that symbols (such as those in astrology, tarot, folklore) have power and depth that inspire us to new heights. And I believe that through it all, our physical body grounds us, sustains us, and allows us to create powerful, positive change.

But WHY Do You Like Astrology?

But WHY Do You Like Astrology?

Among the top questions asked of astrologers (and astrology enthusiasts) are: Why do you like this stuff? How does it work? Isn’t it all a lot of hooey?

So, if you’ve booked an astrology reading and find your coworker peeking at your calendar, or if you tell your mom/boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend, and they say, "What? How on earth can astrology actually work?" or "Why do you like it?", here’s a list for you.

To the Women Who Might Be a Pre Existing Condition...

To the Women Who Might Be a Pre Existing Condition...

To the Women Who Might Be a Pre Existing Condition...

I know you. I know what it’s like to go through your day unable to talk about the pain you’re enduring, silenced by culture or circumstance; stigma or men; or the fear of losing your job, boyfriend, or dignity. I know what it’s like to be unable to speak what has happened, and therefore, to not believe it’s really true. 

I also know the power of story, and how telling yours—even to yourself in the dark stillness of night—can help, can show you that surviving this is only a catalyst in your life, that the act of surviving means you still have life, still have a story to live out, and that you’ve already done something heroic by surviving. 

The (Sahasrara) Chakra Approach to… Awareness, Expansion, and Universal Truth

The (Sahasrara) Chakra Approach to… Awareness, Expansion, and Universal Truth

 You are capable of creating a sense of expansive peace, universal connection, gratitude, and trust through activating and balancing your sahasrara chakra. The sahasrara chakra is the energy center that asserts that everything in the universe is connected through energy, space, and matter. The seventh chakra can be balanced by first addressing all six lower chakras, and then sitting in meditation, or doing a meditative activity that helps you feel your connection with others or nature. An in-balance sahasrara chakra allows you to let go of attachments and trust that things are unfolding as they should. This chakra helps you develop faith in yourself and in life itself. 

The (Ajna) Chakra Approach to… Intuition, the Sixth Sense, and Seeing Beyond

The (Ajna) Chakra Approach to… Intuition, the Sixth Sense, and Seeing Beyond

You are capable of cultivating intuition, clear thoughts, and good judgement through activating and balancing your ajna chakra. The ajna chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that you area capable of seeing truth and accessing your own inner guidance. An in-balance ajna chakra allows you to trust your intuition and see situations and others clearly. Balancing this chakra can also combat feelings of confusion or an over-reliance on external judgments. 

The Zodiac Has Shifted, So Why Hasn't Astrology?

The Zodiac Has Shifted, So Why Hasn't Astrology?

Did you know that the date for Easter was established in the year 325 by the Council of Nicaea? They debated between using a solar/Julian calendar or a lunar calendar, and eventually determined that Easter would take place the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox (a solar and lunar approach). 

I mention this for one reason: humans have invented many ways to keep track of events using solar bodies!

Lately, I’ve been asked a question about time and systems within astrology that this holiday is the perfect time to address.

Q: Since the stars don’t line up the way they used to, are the dates astrologers use (for sun signs) inaccurate? 

The (Vishuddha) Chakra Approach to… Truth, Communication, and Finding Your Voice

The (Vishuddha) Chakra Approach to… Truth, Communication, and Finding Your Voice

You are capable of creating a sense of clarity, integrity, and spiritual engagement through activating and balancing your vishuddha chakra. The vishuddha chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that you are capable of knowing, understanding, and speaking your highest truth. This chakra can be balanced by acknowledging and moving beyond self doubt, and by practicing meditation, yoga, or other practices that put you in touch with your deepest truths. An in-balance vishuddha chakra allows you to engage in the life you most desire through bravely articulating your highest truth. Balancing this chakra can also combat feelings of self-doubt and fear.